YOUNG, Mariah, wf. of Peter, d. Aug 10, 1857, ae 66 yrs. William, son of David and Mariah Young, d. Feb 8, 1841, ae 11 mos. Henry, son of David and Mariah Young, d. Oct 16, 1852, ae 10 mos.ROWE (?), Hannah M., dau of John and Annis Rowe, d. Sept 1 ?, 1840?, ae 3 yrs, and 10 mos. Inscription very difficult to read as the stone was of a sort of crumbly marble.
ANDERS, Louisa A., dau of Hiram and Ann Anders, d. March 19, 1840 (?), ae 5 mos 1 day.
BUTLER, Diantha (or Cleantha), dau of George R. and Thankful Butler, d. Oct 8,1847, ae lOy 1m 13d. "To [sic] Bright a Gem For Earth"
FORT, Margaret, wf of John Fort, d. March 20, 1846, in the 7Oth yr. of her age.
FRISBIE. The following inscriptions were all on one stone. Small footstones were inscribed with the words: "Father", "Mother", "Gr.Father" and "Gr.Mother Samuel Nichols - 1779 - 1871 Catherine, his wife, 1783 - 1869 Samuel Frisbie, 1817 - 1904 Catharine M., his wife, 1825 - 1903
ROBERTS, Sabrina K., dau. of Alvora and Betsey Roberts, d. Jan 23, 1843,8027 yrs 7 mos. Luron 9/0, dau. of Alvora and Betsy Roberts, d. Aug.26, 1855, ae 27 yrs 7 mos. Huidah, dau. of Alvora and Betsy Roberts, d. Oct 9 1842 (?) me 15 yrs. Alvora Roberts, d. Feb 11, 1849?, ae 58y 2m 7d. [Stone split thru the date] (a stone next to above - prob. that of Betsy, over turned. When turned right side up, on the name of Betsey could be read.
HARVEY, Percy Ann, wf of J. H. Harvey, d. Feb 2, 1854, ae 26y-6m-28d.
ROBERTS, Lindsley, son of Alvory and Betsey Roberts, d. Oct 14, 1835, as 18y 9m 11d Permella A., dau. of Alvora and Betsy Roberts, d. 1 May 1842, ae 20y 8m 4d
WILBER, Mandena, dau of Gideon and Belinda Wilber, d. Oct 8, 1849, ae 1 y 9m Henry, son of Gideon and Belinda Wilber, d. Oct 6, 1849 in his 20th yr. Gideon, d. March 5, 1864, ae 60y
ROBERTS, Seth - d. 2 Mar 1856 ae 37y Ella, dau of Seth and Mary Roberts, d. 3 Sep 1852, ae 6y 10m 8d