Lenox Furnace Company
Business Records
of the
Lenox Furnace Company
transcribed from the original
Douglas J. Ingalls
February 1999
Index of Names
Note: The ellipsis ... indicates many entries occur
throughout the Business Records
Akins 45 Common 60 Kirkland 46,...
Allen 23 Dunham 32 Moot 2,6,7,9
Avery ... Durham 34 Slocum 38,45
Blossom 32 Foland 42 Swetting 2,6,7,9
Brewer 38, 49 Gleason 38,45 Tarning 42
Bridge 22,23,29 Goddard 47 Van Alstine 23
Brown 52 Hewitt 26,53 Van Dusen 26,61
Brewer 62 Hill 22,23,29 Van Epps 28
Burghardt 29 Hurlbert 46 Van Slyke 38
Chapman 57,... Ingols 23,28,55 Vedder 45,61
Cobb ... Keller 38 Webb 52
Lenox Furnace Company
Certificate of the Incorporation of the
Lenox Furnace Company
It is hereby certified that the subscribers
and such others as may associate with them, are
desirous of forming a Company by the name of the
Lenox Furnace Company for the purpose of
manufacturing from Iron ore, Iron mongery, Mill-
Iron and all other other kinds of castings in Iron, accor-
ding to the act entitled "An Act relative to In-
corporation for manufacturing purposes" passed
the 22 day of March, Eighteen hundred and Eleven
and the several acts amendinng and extending the
same passed since;- with a capital of thirty thous-
and dollars, to be divided into four hundred
shares of Seventy five dollars each;- the business
of the said company to be carried on in the Town of
Lenox in the county of Madison and State of New York;
and that the first Trustees consist of the following persons
namely: Joseph Kirkland, Gardiner Avery and
Steven Chapman who are to manage the concerns
of the Company for one year.
NB the name of } Joseph Kirkland
Stephen Chapman written on } Gardiner Avery
erasure before execution } Wm Cobb
In Presence of } Conrad G. Moot
Calvin Avery } S. Chapman
Charles P. Kirkland
John Swetting;
Madison County SS. On the 20th day of April 1835
before me James T. Wolley a Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas in and for said County, came Gardner Avery,
William Cobb, Stephen Chapman, and Conrad G. Moot
to me known to be the persons who have subscribed the
foregoing certificate, and severally acknowledged that
they executed the same. I.T. Wolley a Judge of Madison
County Common Pleas
Oneida County SS. On this twenty seventh day of April
1835 before me Chester Hayden first Judge of said County
Counsellor of Law in the Supreme Court came Joseph
Kirkland and Charles P. Kirkland to me known to be
the persons of those above named or subscribed to the
written instrument, and personally acknowledged that they
had duly executed the same. Chester Hayden first
Judge of Oneida Co.
State of New York SS. on this sixth day of May 1835
before me personally appeared John Swetting to me known
to be one of the individuals described in and woo executed
the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged that he
executed the same A. Davis Circuit Judge
State of New York }
Secretary's Office } I have compared the
preceding with an original certificate of Incorporation
on file in this Office (which certificate filed on the 14th
of May 1835) and do certify that the same is a correct Trans-
cript therefrom and of the whole of said original.
Arch Campbell
Albany June 8. 1835. Dep. Secretary
[Most of the officers are mentioned in Tuttle. Almost
all of them are lawyers. And with the dividends they became
filthy rich. They also became large landholders to obtain the
wood to make the iron. After that they would sell the land to
farmers nicely cleared. Much of the land around Lenox Furnace
passed through their hands. They even had a boarding house
for their workers. And were one of the larger employers in the
area of Clockville.]
At a meeting of the Trustees of the Lenox
Furnace Company at the office of the Company in Lenox
June 24th 1835
Present Gardiner Avery }
Stephen Chapman }
Joseph Kirkland } Trustees
The Trustees proceeded to elect a President, when
Gardener Avery was duly elected.
Resolved, That the following be the standing rules and by-
laws of the Incorporation.
1. The standing officers of the Company shall be a
President and Treasurer - The President to be elected
annually - and the Treasurer to hold his office until
another be appointed.
2. That the Treasurers duty shall be to sign all the Scrip
for stock and to make all the transfers, and to issue all stock
that may be ordered by the Trustee or a majority of them,
to keep the minutes of the Corporation, and to record all
resolutions made by the Trustees, to file and keep all
Deeds and conveyances and other evidence of debts or
property belonging to the Corporation - and provide all
books necessary and suitable for the transaction of the
business of the Company, and to report at the semi-
annual meetings of the board to the Trustees, the state
and condition of the Corporation, and to state as far
as may be practicable the accounts of the Company.
showing the profit and loss, and to affix the corporate
seal to all such instruments, as may be ordered to be
sealed by the board, and to have the custody and safe
keeping of the seal - to notify all meetings of the stockholders
for the election of Trustees or for any other purpose.
3. That there shall be a Corporate seal, with the device
of a Pot & Lettered with the words
Lenox Furnace Company.
4. That there shall be provided for the use of the Compa-
ny a Scrip minute, Stock and transfer books and
such other books as the Treasurer may find necessary
for the accomodation of the business of the Office.
5. There shall be two stated meetings of the trustees in
each year on the first monday of November
& May in each year.
6. The annual meeting of the Stockholders for the Election
of Trustees shall be on the the first monday in
May in each year.
7. That all scrip issued for stock shall be signed by the
Treasurer, and that no scrip issue unless by order of the board,
and that no stock shall be transfered unless the old scrip is sur-
rendered, unless by special order of the Board.
Resolved, That the instrument signed by the following persons
to wit, J. Kirkland, J.N.Avery, Gardiner Avery, Wm.Cobb,
Conrad G. Moot, Steven Chapman, Charles P. Kirkland and
John Swetting the Stockholders in the Lenox Iron Com-
pany, and dated the 18th day of April 1835 be entered at
large upon the minutes of the Book of Minutes of the
Lenox Furnace Company.
Whereas We whose names are hereunto subscribed
as Stockholders in the Lenox Iron Company for the following
number of shares. Joseph Kirkland two hundred and eight.
Gardiner Avery fifty. William Cobb thirty five.
Jared N. Avery forty. Conrad G. Moot fifteen. John
Swetting twenty five. Stephen Chapman twenty five. Charles
P. Kirkland two.
Whereas the charter of the said Company has expired, and
Whereas the property of said Corporation has vested in the
present Trustees Joseph Kirkland, Gardiner Avery and Jared
N. Avery, by Cap. 18 of the Revised Statues title third, Sections
9+10, for the benefit of the Stockholders + Creditors of the
Company. And Whereas we are desirous that the property
should be employed in Manufacturing Iron as heretofore,
And whereas we have signed a certificate bearing equal date
with this instrument for the purpose of being incorporated as a
Company under the act relative to Incorporations for
Manufacturing purposes, by the name of the Lenox Furnace
Company with a capital of $30,000, divided into 400
Shares of $75 each, business to be done at Lenox where
the business of the late Company was carried on.
Now Know Ye that we do request, empower and
authorize the said Joseph Kirkland, Gardiner Avery
& Jared N. Avery the trustees of the Lenox Iron Co.,
or a majority of them, to bargain, sell, assign & set over
(after paying the debts of the said Lenox Iron Co.) all our
right, title, & interest, which we may or might, as stockhol-
ders of the said Lenox Iron Company, be in any manner
entitled to, in Law or Equity, in the Estate and property of
of the said Lenox Iron Co. both real and personal, unto the
said Lenox Furnace Co. which is to be incorporated as-
cording to our said certificate above mentioned, and
as soon as the said certificate is filed in the Secretary's Office
& the Company duly authorized according to Law.
And we do hereby authorize the said Trustees of the Lenox
Iron Company to make execute and deliver all such
conveyances as may be necessary to vest in the said Lenox
Furnace Company all the right, title & interest, which we have
either in Law or equity to any of the estate real or personal
of the Lenox Iron Company. And we do hereby engage,
that on such conveyances and transfers being made by the
said Trustees to the said Lenox Furnace Company of our
interests & portions of property to which we might be entitled
in the Lenox Iron Co. The Trustees of the said Lenox
Iron Company shall be discharged from all claims &
demands on which we may or might have on them for our
portions & parts of the Properties which we might be entitled
on a division if one had been made_ And we further
agree that as a compensation for our portion on
division to which we might be entitled as Stockholders
in the Lenox Iron Company, we will take the same number
of shares in the Lenox Furnace Company when Incorpo-
rated as we hold in the Lenox Iron Company as
above stated, subject to the same additional calls as
we were subject to in the Lenox Iron Company and
no greater. Witness our hands & seals this 18th day
of April 1835. Joseph Kirkland (L.S.)
Jared N. Avery by his attorney J. Kirkland (L.S.)
Calvin Avery Gardiner Avery (L.S.)
Wm. Cobb (L.S.)
Conrad G. Moot (L.S.)
Stephen Chapman (L.S.)
Charles P. Kirkland (L.S.)
John Swetting (L.S.)
Resolved. The the treasurer issue to the above named
Stockholders in the Lenox Iron Company the same number of
shares of stock in the Lenox Furnace Company which
they respectively held in the Lenox Iron Company upon their
Surrendering to him their scrip in the said Lenox Iron
Resolved. That the Lenox Furnace Company will receive
from the Trustees of the late Lenox Iron Company all such
Deeds, assignments and conveyances as may be necessary to
vest in the said Lenox Furnace Company all the right, title
and interest which the said Trustees have in and to the
estate, property, and effects both real and personal of the said
Lenox Iron Company either in Law or equity: And it is further
Resolved, That the Treasuruer of the Lenox Furnace Company
upon receiving such deeds, assignments and conveyances
and upon the delivery to him of all the evidences of title
either of personal or real estate, and all contracts,
bonds, covenants, notes, and accounts due to the Lenox
Iron Company, or which may in any wise belong or
appertain to the estate and property of the Lenox Iron
Company, give to the said Trustees an acknowledgement
that he has received the same for the use of the Lenox Furnace Company.
Resolved that Joseph Kirkland
be Treasurer of the company.
C. Avery
J. Kirkland
S. Chapman
At a meeting of the trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Compamy Nov. 17th
1835 Present
Gardiner Avery Pre.
Joseph Kirkland
Resolved that there be allowed to the
Agent Eight Hundred Dollars per Ann-um.
To the founder 20/ per day
To the treasurer two Hundred Dollars
to the trustess fifty dollars Each
The Above to be paid in ... as following
Hollow Ware, at 50 per cent from
Whole sale price Stoves 3 1/2 cents ...
Plough At 3 cents
At a meeting of the trustees February
19th 1836, at the Furnace
Present J. Avery J. Kirkland
Trustees Resolved that a dividend
of $10.00 a share be made payable in Ware
At a meeting of the Stockholders of the
Lenox Furnace Company at the Companys
Store May 3rd 1836
Meeting adjourned until tomorrow when
the Stockholders proceed to the Election
of Trustees. C. Avery was appointed
Chairman & J Kirkland Secty
Stockholders Proceeded to the Election
of Trustees when it appeared that
Stephen Chapman and N. Avery
& Joseph Kirkland were Elected
G. Avery Chairman
J. Kirkland Secty
At a meeting of the Trustee of the Lenox
Furnace Company At the Store on
the 5th May 1836
Stephen Chapman J.N. Avery } Trustees
& Joseph Kirkland }
Resolved that Stephen Chapman
be President for the year Ensuing
Resolved that there be allowed to the
Agent Founder Trustees & Treasurer the
Same sum for their Services As was Allowed
the last and previous Year & that there
be Allowed Calvin Avery for his Services
payable in Ware for year ensuing
Four Hundred Dollars the ware to be
50 per cent deduction from the Wholesale
furnace Prices And At the Same
price the he Other Officers are paid
who receive their pay in wares.
Resolved that the Report of the
Agent this Day made of the State of the
.... of the Company be accepted
& filed.
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Co on the 25 th July
1837 Present
J N Avery
Stephen Chapman } Trustees
Joseph Kirkland
Resolved that the trustees Approved
of the Sale to Sidney Blossom Diofer
Durham and John Shiff of the East
part of Lot No 73 of the Oneida Creek
Containing Seventy Acres two quarters
and Twenty Rods being the East half
of Said Lot and further resolved that
J. N. Avery Agent of said Company
Execute a deed for the Same and Affix
thereto the common Seal of Said
Campany in due form of ...
J Kirkland }
J. Chapman } Trustees
J N. Avery }
At a meeting of the trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company Feb 15, 1837
S. Chapman Pres
J N Avery } Trustees
J Kirkland }
Resolved that a dividend
of five dollars on a share payable
in wares at the usual Wholesale price
At a meeting of the Stockholders at the
Furnace Store May 4 1837 1. o clk PM
Stephen Chapman Chairman
Joseph Kirkland
Stockholders proceeded to the Choice
of trustees. when counting the ballots
it appeared that Gardiner Avery J.N.
Avery + Joseph Kirkland were duly
Elected Trustees for the Ensuing
At a meeting of the trustees at the
Lenox Furnace Store May 4 _1837_
Present Gardiner Avery
J. N. Avery
Joseph Kirkland
Resolved that Gardiner Avery
be preseident for the Ensuing year
Resolved that the agent place in the
hands of the Treasurer demands against
the Debtors of the Company to the Amount
of four thousand Dollars or more which
when recvd by the treasurer shall be
divided Among the Stockholders and
whereas on demand will probably not
be paid or collected under a year or
eighteen months Resolved If any of the
Stockholders shall wish to take wares &
the quantity on hand shall admit of their
... it, they may take the same at
the following cash terms (to wit) all
castings at such price as the company
are selling at Six Months Credit
excepting Hollow Ware which is to be
charged at 50 per cent discount
from the present wholesale prices
provided no shareholder shall be allowed
to draw before Dividend is declared
more that ten dollars upon a Share
and the amt drawn shall be charges to the
Stockholders one taken from his dividend
provided he is a Stockholder at the time
the dividend is declared, and if Such
Stockholder tranfers his stock before this
Dividend without Making the Same
Subject to the Sum So Drawn, then the
Stockholder Shall pay the Amt.
Resolved that the agent in all cases
when he shall deem it for the Interest
of the company & when the Pecuniary Situ-
ation of the company will admit
Contract to pay the .... and all others
except our Drawers in Cash -
Resolved that the Agent Founder and
Clerk be paid in hollow Ware Castings
& Stoves at the prices at which they have
been Paid & Charged the year past
Resolved that a deed be Given to
Lambert Burghardt of an acre of land
Situated in the Twon of Lenox om Lot
A in the Cowaselon Tract called and
known as the the Dolly Dana Lot and on
the 360 acre tract as surveyed by Stephen
Chapman and the secretary affix the seal
of the incorporation of the Lenox Furnace
Company Sign the Same As Secretary
Resolved that the trustees and ...
be paid their compensation
in cash
Resolved that Jarred N. Avery
be employed as agent of the Company
and that Calvin Avery be employed
As Clerk And that they be allowed
twelve hundred dollars for their Services
to be divided as they May think proper
& Equal and they are to board themselves
until they Elect to board and lodge in the
boarding house
At a meeting of the Trustees of
the Lenox Furnace Company May
23 - 1837
J. N Avery } Trustees
J. Kirkland }
Resolved that a warrentee deed
be given to Ambrose Hill and
William Bridge of One Acre of Land
Situated in the Town of Lenox Madison
County Commonly called the Lenox
Basin Lot adjoining the Erie Canal
and on the South Side. Bounded North
by the Canal & East by the road that
leads from Wampsville to the Canal &
being the same piece of land purchased
by Lenox Iron Company of Andrew
Van Alstine on the 7th day of
May 1823 As will appear on his
deed recorded in Madison County
on the 1st day of February 1825 in
Liber V. of Deeds Page 282 and that
the deed to be Given Hill & Bridges
be dated the first day of January 1837
and that the agent Jared N Avery
sign the same & affix the Seal of
Incorporation of the Said Company
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company Dec 11, 1837
Present G Avery
J N Avery
Resolved that a Warrantee Deed be Executed
to Charles Allen of 46 45/100 acre of land
below the Lenox Mills and adjoining their
land, known as the remaining part of the
Defferier purchase, and that J. N. Avery
the Agent of said Company Sign the former
and affix the seal of incorporation of the said
Company. The deed date Dec 8, 1837
Resolved also that the said trustees approve
of the sale of Lot No 15. Oneida Purchase of 1826
made to J. J. Ingols on the 27 day of October
At a meeting of the trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company at the Store
of the Company Aug 4 1838
G. Avery }
J.N.Avery }
J.Kirkland }
Resolved that a Dividend of five dollars
upon Each Share of Stock be made
in Cash by the treasurer at his
office which is to be paid out of the
Monies collected upon the obligations
placed in his hands by the Resolution
of the 4th May Last.
At a meeting of the Stockholders of
the Lenox Furnace Co May 3 1838 at
the Factory Store
Gardner Avery Chairman
J Kirkland Secty
Stockholder proceeded to the Election
of Trustees for the year ensuing
It approved upon Counting the
votes that G. Avery J N. Avery
& Joseph Kirkland were duly
Elected Trustees
At a meeting of the Trustees
May 3 1838 At the Factory Store
G. Avery }
J N Avery }
J Kirkland }
Brot over + Continued
Gardner Avery was Elected President
Resolved tht the Sale of
lot No. 17 to Jeremiah Van Dusen
+ of the Sale of Lot No. 8 to
Nathaniel Hewitt in the Oneida
Purchase of 1826 be Approved
of And further Resolved that a
Deed for the Meadow lot being
about thirty acres be given to
J. N. Avery he paying or or ...
thirteen hundred Dollars
And that a deed be Executed
+ sealed with Seal of the Company
+ signed by the President or Secretary
Resolved that a dividend
of five dollars in Cash be paid
to the Stockholders upon Each Share
by the treasurer out of the Monies
Collected from the placed in his
hand for the purpose of Dividend by
a resolution of May last and
that there be a dividend in wares
of five Dollars on a share at
Wholesale Price called the Wholesale
Furnace Prices
Resolved that the agent place in
the hands of the treasurer Securities
which will amount together with those
Already put into his hand shall
Amount to the Sum of Eighteen Thousand
Dollars to be collected by the Treasurer
for the purpose of being divided aomg
the Stckholders as the board sall hereafter
Resolved the the Founder Agent + Clerk
be Employed At the Same Salaries
as they were by Resolution of May last
+ that they be Paid in the same Manner
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company at their Office
Sept 19, 1838 Present J. Kirkland
J. N. Avery
Resolved the Lenox Furnace Company
Affirm and ratify the Deed given to
Amram Van Epps of Vernon for the
first half of Lot E in the Cowaselon
Tract of 1817 and further resolved
that a Deed be given James Ingols
for the East half of Lot F in the
same purchase and tract.
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Co At the Furnace
Nov 16 1838. Present
G. Avery
J. N. Avery
Joseph Kirkland
Resolved that there be a dividend
of five Dollars on a share payable
in Cash
Resolved that the agent
J. N. Avery discharge the
Mortgage of Lambert Burghardt
+affix the Seal of the Comp-
any to such discharge
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company held at in
Furnace Office Jan 4, 1839
Present G. Avery
J. N. Avery
Resolved that the agent J.N. Avery
discharge the Mortgage of Ambrose
Hill and Wm Bridge and affix the
said Companys seal of incorporation
to the same G Avery
J. N. Avery
At a meeting of the Trustees of
The Lenox Furnace Company
February 1st 1839
J. N. Avery Pres
J Kirkland
Resolved that there be a dividend
of five Dollars on a Share payable
in cash
At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Lenox
Furnace Company at the Furnace 8th May 1839
G. Avery Chairman
J. Kirkland secty
Stockholders proceeded to elect trustees
when after counting the votes it appeard
that G. Avery
J. N. Avery
Joseph Kirkland were duly
elected trustees
At a meeting of the trustess May 8th
1839 at the Furnace
G. Avery Pres.
J N Avery } Trustee
Joseph Kirkland }
Resolved that there be a dividend of five
dollars cash on a share + five Dollars on a
share in wares.
At ameeting of the trustees of
the Lenox Furnace Company
at the Furnace Sep 10th 1839
G Avery }
J N. Avery } Trustees
J Kirkland }
Resolved that a dividend of
five dollars be declared payable
in cash on ... the first
of November next on each
Share of the Capital Stock
Resolved further that if Stephen
Dunham pays off the balance
of the .... given Sidney H
Blossom for the East half of Lot
Number 73 of the Oneida Creek
Tract that a Deed be given
him for the same and that
the teasurer affix the Seal
of the Company thereto
At a meeting of the Trustees of
Lenox Iron Company January 9th
1840 at the furnace store
Gardiner Avery }
J N Avery } Trustees
Joseph Kirkland }
Resolved that the treasurer be authorized
to execute a deed in conjunction
with the Master in Chancery in
pursuance of a degree of the Court
of Chancery in the fifth circuit
for the sale of the east half of lot
Number Seventy three of the Oneida
Creek tract to such person or persons
as may purchase the same at
the master Sale. And that he affix
the Seal of the Company to such deed,
And that the treasurer be authorized
all ... to comply with the
decree of said court in relation to
the sale + coming ... of the Said
promises which said deed was
made in the suit of the Lenox Iron
Company against Sidney H Bloosom
and Durfee Durham
At a meeting of the Stockholders
of the Lenox Furnace Company May
4 1840 At the Furnace
G Avery Chairman
J Kirkland Secty
Stockholders proceeded to the election
of trustees when it appeared upon
counting the votes that G Avery
J N Avery abd J Kirkland were
At a meeting of the Trustees May
4th 1840
G Avery }
J N Avery }Trustees
JosephKirkland }
Resolved that there be a dividend
in wares of five dollars on a
At a meeting of the tustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company of the
23 Sep 1840
G Avery Pres
J N Avery +
J Kirkland
Resolved that a dividend of
five dollars on a share be
made in cash payable at the
office of the Treasurer
G Avery
J Kirkland
At a meeting of the Stockholders of the
Lenox Furnace Co at the Factory Store
pursuant to previous Notice for that
Purpose on the 6th of May 1841
for the purpose of Electing Trustees
J N Avery Chairman
J Kirkland Secty
Stockholders proceeded to the Choice
of Trustees when it appeared upon counting
the votes That Gardiner Avery J N Avery
+ Joseph Kirkland were duly eleced
At a meeting of the Tustees at
the Factory Store May 6 1841
J N Avery Pres Pro Tem
Joseph Kirkland
Trustees proceed to the Election
of a President for the Ensuing year
when it appeared that Gardiner Avery
was duly elected.
Resolved that there be a dividend
of five dollars upon each share
payable in cash by the Treasurer
Also five dollars payable in ware at the Furnace At the
Furnace Wholesale prices
Resolved that the following Securities
be placed in the hand of the Treasurer
for collection and Divisiob Among
the Stockholders when collected
in order to be divided
The debt due from Joseph Slocum
for Sally Keller 1200.00
C Avery on Land Contract
for Lot No 9 868 -
J + J Brewer for lot 4 + 10 2098
Jacob Van Slyke for No 14 747 -
Ason Gleason for Salt Kettle 1200
At a meeting of the Trustees of the Lenox
Furnace Company Mar 10th 1842
G Avery }
J H Avery }
J Kirkland }
Resolved that the agent J H Avery assign
to Elijah Rouse the certificate for lot number
eleven in the Oneida Purchase of 1826
Resolved that there be a dividend of
five Dollars on each share of stock
payable in ware at the Wholesale
Furnace prices
At a Meeting of the Stockholders
of the Lenox Furnace Co held
at the Office of Said
Company at the Furnace
on Monday the 2 day of May
1832 prusuant to publick
notice given for the purpose
of Electing Trustees
G Avery Chairman
J N Avery Secretary
Stockholders proceeded to Choose
Trustees when it appeared on
Counting the votes that Joseph
Kirkland Gardner Avery and
J N Avery were duly elected
At a Meeting of the trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company held at
the Furnace Office May 2nd 1842
present J H Avery Pres Protem
G Avery
Trustees proceeded to the Election
of President for the Ensuing
Year when it appears that
Gardner Avery was duly Elected
At a meeting of the trustees of
the Lenox Furnace Company at the
Furnace September 14th 1842
G Avery }
J N Avery } Trustees
J Kirkland }
Resolved that the deed to Seth Tarning
dated the first day of June 18th of a
piece of land Situated in the Town of
Lenox in the County of Madison. Beginning
at the north east corner of Jeremiah Folands
farm, and containing three acres +
one rod + twenty five rods As
reference being had to said deed will more
fully appear, be delivered to him
Resolved that there be a dividend
payable in cash of two dollars and
fifty cents on each share on the first
day of October next at the office
of the Treasurer
Resolved that the Founder + agent
be paid from the first of May last
in ware at 3 1/4 cents per pound instead
of three and 1/3 cents as heretofore charged.
At a meeting of the Stockholders
of the Lenox Furnace Company
at the Company Store May
first 1843
G Avery Chairman
J Kirkland Secty
Stockholders proceeded to the
election of trustees whereupon
counting the votes it appears that
G Avery J N Avery & J Kirkland were
duly elected trustees for the
year ensuing
At a meeting of the trustees
of the Lenox Furnace Compamy
at the Factory Store May first 1842
Trustees proceeded to the choice
of President when it appears that
G Avery was duly Elected President.
Resolved that there be a
dividend of five dollars
upon a share payable in ware
ate the Wholesale Furnace
Resolved that the their be a divid-
end in debts as follow as to G Avery
two hundred seventy five
dollars if the Vedder mortgage
to J N Avery two hundred dollars
in the Farm & to Stephen
Chapman in such other debts
to make two hundred dollars
& to Joseph Kirkland thirteen
hundred + twenty five Dollars
in Slocum & Gleason & Akins
At a meeting of the trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company on the
Sevent day of June eighteen hundred
+ Forty Three
G. Avery Pres
J N Avery
Resolved that a deed be given to Joseph
Kirkland of the following pieces of
Land for the consideration of two
thousand dollars in ware at the wholesale
Dividend price, which ware was charged to
the said Joseph on the Books of said Com-
pany on the second day of May 1842
Said lands are the same which were con-
veyed to the Company on the 24th day of August
1839 by David Hurlbert Junior & Betsy his
wife as reference being had to the deed for
the same which deed was recorded in
the Clerks office of Steuben County the
24th day of August 1843 in Book 32 of Deeds
at page 262 and also the same which
were conveyed to the Company by Levi
Goddard & Fanny his wife on the 20th day
of November 1841 a reference being had
to the deed which I recorded in
the Clerks office of the county of
Livingston on the 10th day of
December 1841 in Book 24 of Deeds
Page 492 and that a deed be executed
uner the corporate Seal of the company and
Signed by the President
At a meeting of the trustees
of the Lenox Furnace Company
Octo 27th 1843
G Avery Pres
J N Avery
J Kirkland
Resolved there be a Dividend
of Two Dollars and fifty cents
upon a share in cash payable
on the first of December next
At the annual meeting of the Stcokholders
of the Lenox Furnace Company
held at the Furnace Offices on the
25th of April 1844 pursuant to
Public Notice given
Present C. P. Kirkland
S Chapman
G Avery
J. N. Avery
On motion
Resolved that the meeting
proceed to Ballot for Trustees
Whereupon Charles P Kirkland
Jared N Avery
Gardiner Avery
were duly elected
At this meeting S Chapman was
appointed President Protem
+ J.N. Avery Secretary
J.N.Avery Sect
At a meeting of the trustees of Lenox
Furnace Co. held at the Company office
in Lenox on the 25th Day of April 1844
Present Gardner Avery
Charles P Kirkland
J N Avery
Resolved Gardner Avery be appointed
President Charles P Kirkland Treasurer
of the Company and J. N. Avery
Secretary for ensuing year
Resolved that a dividend of five Dollars
on Each Share pay in ware
at the Furnace Wholesale prices
is hereby Declared
Resolved, that the Secretary be authorized to assign to James
Brewer the State Certificate for Lot No. 4. Oneida
Purchase of 1826 on said Brewer paying to this
Company the Balance due to them on his
contract for said lot.
continued over
Resolved, that the Moot Lot, So Called,
of 28 1/2 acres, and the Lot Called
tha Bain Lot, being 12 1/2 acres
of land, be sold to J N. Avery
for $1200. and that the president
execute a deed thereof + affix
the Corporate Seal of the Company
The foregoing Resolution passed
J.N. Avery, Secretaary
1844 April 25
At a meeting of the Trustees
of Lenox Furnace Company held
at the Furnace Office August
21, 1844. Present G. Avery +
Resolved, that a sale of the Boarding
House together with the Land
Connected with the Same being
about 28 acres agreeable to the
survey made by Col. Chapman
for the sum of Fifteen hundred
Dollars. payment to be secured by
Bond Mortgage on the premises
+ that the President of Said Company
be and is herby authorized to Execute a
Deed of the same to Seth H. Twining, and
affix the seal of Incorporation
J. N. Savery Secretary
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company held
at the Furnace Office on the
7th of May 1844
G Avery
J H Avery
It was resolved that a proposition from Orlando
Brown + Henry J Webb of Angekica for a piece of Land
in Said Village had of H P North on debt be
+ the same is hereby accepted. To wit, $150 in three
annual payments Commencing the first Day
of May 1845 and that
the President is hereby authorized + directed
to execute Two deeds for the same. One of them to
Orlando Brown for the west half of the said lot + one to
Henry J Webb for the East Half of said lot and that
he affix to the same the Said Company Seal of
At a meeting of the Trustees of Lenox
Furnace Company at the Furnace Office
on Wednesday the 11 day of Dec 1844
G Avery + J H Avery
Resolved the the certificate of the
Surveyor General of the State of New York
for Lot of Land No 8 Oneida purchase
of 1826 be assigned to Nathaniel Hewit.
+ that the President of Said Company
Sign the Same and affix to it the said
Company Seal of Incorporation on
said Hewits paying to them the
sum of $473.13 being their due
on said lot
J. N. Avery Secretary
At a Meeting of the Trustees
of the Lenox Furnace Company,
held at the Office of the
Company Dec 30th 1844
Present { G. Avery }
{ J.N. Avery }
Resolved, that a Dividend be
Declared of four Dollars per
Share, payable in Cash at the
Office of the Treasurer C. P.
Kirkland in Utica as per
Understanding of Said Kirkland,
Who is a Trustee.
J.N. Avery Secritary
At a meeting of Trustees of
Lenox Furnace Company held
at their Office in Lenox Feby, 18, 1845
Present G. Avery
J. N. Avery
Resolved the certificate of the
Surveyor General State of New York
of Lot of Land No 15 Oneida Purchase
of 1826 be assigned to John J Ingol,
on his paying the said Company
the sum due them on Said Lot, To Wit,
$107.17 and that the President affix
to the same the Companys seal of incorporation
& Sign the Same agreeable to a
to a former Contract with the said Ingol
J. N. Avery, Secrity
At a meeting of the Stockholders of
the Lenox Furnace Company held at the Office
of the Compamy in Lenox May 5 1845
Present all the stock holders
The Stockholders proceeded to Ballot for
Trustees for the Ensuing Year and the
following persons were unamnimously
Elected Viz Gardner Avery
Jared Newell Avery
Charles P Kirkland
At a meeting of the Trustees of Lenox
Furnace Company held at Lenox
May 5, 1845 Present all the Trustees
on Motion G Avery was appointed to
President and Charles P Kirklnad was
appointed Secretary + Treasurer
On Motion of C P Kirkland Resolved
that a dividend of Five Dollars per share
payable in Ware at the Furnace
Dividend prices be declared,
Resolved that the Agent Execute
to Stephen Chapman a Quit
Claim deed of the Lot Called
the Patrick Scandlin lot as enclosed
by the present fence + lying immediately
West of Eli Tuckers Lot.
Resolved that the Company discontinue
the Manufacture of Iron + that the
Agent devote his Whole time and
attention to selling the Real + Personal
property of the Company at the best prices
he can obtain + to collecting + securing
its debts + inform to placing the Concern
in the Best Situation for finally Closing
its affairs + Making a final division
among the Stockholders at their next
Annual Meeting of all the remaining
assets of the Company
C P Kirkland Secretary
At a meeting of the Trustees of the Lenox
Furnace Company at C P Kirklands
Office in Utica June 23 1845
Resolved that a Cash Dividend of
five dollars on a Share be + hereby
is declared
Resolved that the
agent of this Company be authorized
to sell at his Discretion the Interest
of this Company in the Verona Ore
C P Kirkland
At a meeting of the Trustees of the
Lenox Furnace Company held at
C. P. Kirklands Office in Utica
Sep 18 1842 Present
G. Avery
C. P. Kirkland
Resolved that a Dividend of two
Dollars + fifty cents per share be
Declared + Payable in Cash.
A dividend of Two Dollars + fifty cents
per share was declared by the Trustees
of Lenox Furnace Company Nov 29, 1845
payable in Cash at the office of their
Treasurer C. P. Kirkland
At a meeting of the Trustees of
Lenox Furnace Company held at
the Ofices of C. P. Kirkland in Utica
Dec 27, 1844
Present C. P. Lirkland +
J N Avery Trustees
Resolved the a Deed be Executed
to Robert Common for thr Store + Lot
in Owego belonging to this Company+ that
the Secretary J N Avery Sign his name
to Such deed as Secretary + affix thereunto
to the Corporate Seal of the Company
J N Avery Secretary
At a meeting of the trustees of
Lenox Furnace Company held
at the Office of the Company at the furnace
Jany 9 1846
Present Gardner Avery } Trustees
J N Avery }
Resolved That the Certificate of the Surveyor
General for Lot No 17 Oneida Purchase of
1826 be assigned to Jeremiah Van Dusen
for his paying to Lenox Furnace Compy
the Balance Due theron, and that
the President Gardiner Avery sign
the same + affix the Companys Seal to
the same.
Resolved also that the said President
sign his name to a discharge
of Abram Vedder Mortgage given to
John + James Brewer and by the said Brewers assigned
to Lenox Furnace Compy + that the said
President affix the said Company Seal to the same
continued over
Brought over
Resolved that the Agent J. N. Avery
be and is hereby authorized to assign
to John Brewer the Surveyor Generals
Certficate of Lot No 10 Oneida
Purcahse of 1826 when the said
Brewer shall pay to this Company the
amount due from him on the
farm and affix thereun to the Companys
seal of Incorporation
A dividend of three dollars per Share
was declared Jany 17 1846 payl
in Cash at the Office of the Treasurer
C P Kirkland of Utica
At a meeting of Stockholders of the Lenox
Furnace Company held at the Office
of the Company April 29 1846
Yhe following persons were elected Trustees
of the company
Gardner Avery
J N Avery
Ch P Kirkland
At a meeting of the trustees of the said
Company at the same place on said 29th
day of June 1846 Gardiner Avery was
Appointed Prseident + Ch P Kikland
Treasurer + Secrtary
At a meeting of the Trustees of the Lenox
Company in the presence + with the
... of Stephen Chapman the only
other Stockholder of Said Company
held at the office of said on the 30th
day of April 1846 the following resolutions
were passed
considered as belonging to the present
Stockholders individually + in
proprtion to their respective sharers
of Stock subject however to the
payment of any debts of any kind
now existing against this Company
+ more especially subject to being used +
employed to indemnify + save harm-
less J N Avery against two bonds
given by him to the State of New York
one for lot No 7 of the Oneida Purchase
of 1840 + the other for lot no 11 of same
purchase against which bonds the
said Company is bound to indemnify
said J N Avery + does hereby resolve to
indemnify him, the said he sai lots
being the property of this Company + having
been purchased in his name for this
= Certificate of incorporation of the
= Lenox Furnace Company founded March
= 22, 1811. This copy dates from 1835.
Transcribers Note: This record book is for the
Lenox Furnace Company which was the successor
of the Lenox Iron Company. It covers the time
period from the incoporation to the dissolution
of the Lenox Furnace Company.
Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 10:56 AM
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