Henry Campbell letters
(January 10, 1842 - May 9, 1843)
2000 To Christian, Sister, New York
Smithfield, 10th Jany 1842
Dear Sister
We duly received your letter of the end of last year altho without date
and not a little anxious to hear from you altho we have received several
newspapers both Scotch and American. I hope the situation you have got is
in other respects agreeable altho the sallarie is but small. We have not
had any letters from Britain or from Duncan since you left here. I fear my
letter to London Road has not gone on. I would have word before now. I see
what you say about the neighbours of Duncan but I do not think he has any
thought of leaving here. There have been several deaths in this neighbor-
hood since you left. Old Mr Bliss died about a month ago. Mrs Scholfield
died about 8 or 10 days ago of a liver complaint. It is said that upon her
being opened her liver weighed 16lbs. Mrs Lucas Mother-in-law to Ben Stewart
also was buried yesterday. We have got near through with our threshing and
he has been at Log City with a Load of Barley for which he got 3/6 a Bushel.
John has this day taken away his sheep and Cow. We have not yet killed the
spoted cow but she is tolerable good Beef. The price of Beef here is yet
only about 3 dollars a hundred. Altho there is snow here the weather is
pretty moderate and I hope now we can get through with the stock in good
condition. My bed is moved in to their own Room and then into the
kitchen by which means I have been quite comfortable. We are to have a
great State convention on the 19th and 20th of this month at Peterborough
and all the vicinity are put in requisition for their hospitality. We have
agreed lodge a Team and 2 people. Our cows have been milked but once a day
mostly since Edmond went away and are now drie but 2 only.
The Bearer of this letter is a friend of one of the Robertsons in the
village himself a Robertson from Scotland last season who is in pursuit of a
situation in some of the banks about New York. He was the bearer of a letter
from Alex Anderson, Tailor High Street Edinburgh and cousin to James Anderson,
Rose Street He came to New York last summer his address is 46 Lumber Street
N.Y. I think you must have known him. He has not taken with him his family.
This Gentelman tells me speaking of leaving New York. I believe he might get
some employment in Peterburgh If I mistake he was considered a good
tradesman in Edinbr. I hope you will write frequently and if you get papers
without expence will be pleased to have them.
My best respects to Mrs Barlas (who I am sorrie to hear has not been well)
and New York friends
I remain your loving Brother
Henry Campbell
P.S. In a paper from London of Date 3 Oct last Peters wife writes your
cousin Mrs Weddie died last November she was confined to bed 15 weeks.
2001 To Christian, Sister, New York
Smithfield, 21st Jany 1843
Dear Sister
I duly received your letter of the 22 August with the things mentioned also
of the 23rd Decr by which I am happy to hear you are so well situated. We had
a Letter from James of date 4th Octr when all friends there were in their
ordinary health but in getting out of one distress they were like to get into
another for altho meal was down to 14 or 15/- a Bale and 9/- in prospect,
trade was not much better and the Farmers are getting into the American way of
cutting their grain with the Scy(the) and there is no demand for Shearers.
Stock has likewise fallen from 1/4 to 1/3 owing to American provisions being
poured in and the new Tariff is not at all popular among the Farmers. House
property is likewise much fallen. James himself says he is in better health
than he has been in 4 or 5 years and Samuel's boy is in better health but his
lameness continues much as it was. He was to write Duncan in a short time
after. In respect to the western Shepherd it was favourably spoken of in the
Cultivator and was for Sale at Thorburns Albany and I supose it might be for
sale likewise at Thorburns New York but it matters not much. It was for Peter
I wanted it principally as he wanted to know if it was not necessary to
cultivate and inclose the ground before it would yield pasture for Sheep on
the prairie but there are other places than prairies that are capable of sheep
pasture. I believe you know that I wrote Daniel some ten years ago if the
Allegiance Mountains would not be a good place for flocks when I got for
answer that they were cloathed to the top with timber. This I find from a
letter in the Cultivator not to be the case. I quote the following "We have
in this state (Pennsylvania) millions and millions of Acres of land in our
Mountains (which cover 3/4 of the state) which are suited for nothing else
than grazing sheep in summer. It is poor rugged and rocky. I have for some
years kept from six hundred to a thousand Sheep for 4 months in the year upon
Land so poor as scarcely to yield a vestige of grass, yet they would return in
the fall of the year in a much finer condition than the most luxuriant pasture
in the Lowlands would have made them." He concluded "our Mountains may become
to this countrie what the Highlands are to England and Scotland. If it was
not two expencive I would I would take a tour thru the mountain regions of
Virginia and Pennsylvania this spring or could you get any information
respecting them better than I can let me know. I have no doubt Society is
better there than here and the climate a great deal so. As for your ghastly
stories about Illinois. I ask how you have mannaged to escape pestilence and
disease in the most unhealthy place perhaps in God's creation and that is
New York and as for other they dont much vex me.
We had no letter from Duncan of late but will write him soon. Our news here
are not of the most cheerie kind. It seems there are changes and
disappointments all the world over and perhaps every countrie as well as
indiviidual have their own pretty nearly meeted out but I have reason to thank
God. I believe I have not been confined one whole day from sickness since you
left here and generally my headecks have been fewer and less violent and I
have not had a plaster to my thigh for [...] year and feel it not the worse.
The rest of us are in our usual health. There is nobody here since Dean but
the 3 nephews. John has got tend of Farmer's again (he says he was losing by
it) and has comenced Doctor upon the Steaming principal. He had Mrs C.
through a course and offered to do the same to me but I should rather have a
headace a dozen times than go throu such a course of pucking, sweating and
steaming as she suffered and I tell her I believe she is now about as well as
she was before the process.
2002 To James, Brother, Crieff, Scotland
Smithfield, 1st May 1843
Dear Brother
We duly received your letter of the 4th October last in course which gives
us the great pleasure of hearing of the welfare of all friends and
particularly of your own better health. I am satisfied you have done better
in moving from the strife in Comrie. I am happy to hear you have had so good
a crop and harvest. There is scarcely any grain cut here with the Sickle.
The wheat and oats are cut with a Cradle Scyth and Bound in Sheaves as with
you and the Barley is mowed as the hay is. There is scarcely any of the women
here that does any out door work but then they are almost all smartly employed
indoors at all work such as Sewing, Tailoring, Weaving and Spinning. The men
all milk the cows. Some times the women help them.
I see uou have been greatly honoured by a visit from the Queen and Consort.
I guess the poor Roe Bucks and Black Locks will not soon forget them. I see
you are like to have some agricultural distress next. Since I came here that
has been the case here likewise but then the same as with you the prices of
Land and produce was kept up by unnatural means and untill all Tarrifs and
other restrictive and protective means be given up there will not be security
or confidence to the F [...] Manufacturer or Merchant. As I said farms and
particularly farm produce has in this countrie been falling in price since the
fall after I came here so that sheep, swine and cattle can be got now for 1/3,
Land for 1/2 to 2/3 below what they were, though partly in view of this I have
this year had a piece of pasture for which I pay $47 for the season and have
just now bought some oxen, 3 year old, as heavie as ever I have seen about
Lawers or Ouchtertire for Eleven Dollars a piece (the pasture will grass
during the season about 50 head of cattle). Sheep can be bought after being
shorn from 1/2 Dollar to 3/4. Washen wool, from here it is all washen, is 1/4
Dollar per english pound. Oats 18d to 2/- Sterling a Bushel and other grain
in proportion. By the above you will see there has not been much
encouragement in going into business in the Farming line here and had it not
been that Daniel is settled here, a more southern climate would be more to my
mind as the winter is so long and every beasts to be almost all the time
fodden, I believe one year with another 6 months The heat is in summer
likewise no doubt very great but then that does not hinder the operations of
the Farmer. Otherwise I have no great reason to find fault to be since
Farming is about as far behind in many things as when I first remained in
Scotland. It is not so polished on the Surface. Now a system of Rotation by
Green crop Clover and pasture but draining Liming and Dunging is getting more
and more every year and there is great exertions now made by Agricultural
Societies by premiums and other encouragements.
Duncan had a severe attack in the month of March of the complaint he had
when he went to Comrie. He was preaching about 12 miles from the place he
lives in and caught a cold. He was almost quite recovered when he wrote about
three weeks ago.
I am sorry to hear Samuels Boy is not like to get the better of his
lameness. I feel this the more as if Father had gone with me to the Edinburgh
Infirmary in place of hunting up all the Quacks in the countrie I should not
now be lame as I will all my days. We had a letter from Christian not long
ago and I have frequeently new papers from her and Peter and are much obliged
by your sending the papers with the Queen's visit. Please send a paper any
time there is anything intere [...]
I send this by a young man who has been in the village of Helenboro working
as Bootmaker and who goes home to Airdrie for his mother and is intending
coming out again in the fall. He would take a letter or parcel with him if he
had it there. His name is John McWilliams and a letter adressed to him at Mrs
McWilliams Airdrie would find him. I will expect a letter or two or 3 soon
by one from you one from Samuel and one from A. McEwen or sons with all the
countrie news etc.
I remain
Your Loving Brother
Henry Campbell
2003 To Christian, Sister, New York City
Smithfield, 9th May 1843
Dear Sister
I herewith send you a letter per Mr Barnett for James which was intended to
be sent by J. McWilliams Boot Maker who has gone to Airdrie Scotland for his
mother but was two late for him. I have no doubt you have heard of Duncans
illness and recovery in the month of March. We were not a little alarmed at
2 letters from the Doctor that attended him but as luck would have it we got
them both together the one which was 3 days later dated giving an account of
his convalescence which in a short time was confirmed by one from himself. I
should be glad to hear from you if you are still in the same place or what
farther. I presume I wrote you that we had a letter from James in the fall.
I expect a letter from Peter before now. We got newspapers lately from him
and you. Mr Scholfield has resined his charge on the 1 April. His wife is
suposed to be in a dying condition by consumption. John Campbell has taken
the half of the farm on Shares and is apart from his Brother-in-law. He has
gone in with his Father and the other has gone to his house. Johns wife has
been badly all winter with her fathers complaint so much so that he could
almost do nothing but attend her. But my principal news is about myself as I
almost think I have got upon the prairie. Gerrit Smith made a Vendue on the
15th April of a few Farms and the cleared lands in the vicinity and for 7
months I bid off the lott south of the road and west of Peterburgh at $47 for
the season and have got myself in bad repute with the villagers as they wanted
it for their cows. Some tell me it will pasture 100 head of young cattle of
betwixt what I have bought and taken in to pasture. I have about 20 and am
going to see Mr Forbes Lennox this day to look out for more but if cattle are
not higher this fall than last I will not make much off them as people are
asking about as much as they got last fall.
Daniel is likewise building a house on an adition to the old this year. So
you see there is plenty of business on hand so much I suspect that there will
be but little this season raised from the quantity of roots and chaff
preserved. Our stock is in good condition notwith-standing the severe
winter. We had to come out at the window more than once this winter as the
snow drift was higher than the front of the stoop.
I will expect a letter per return of Mr Barrnet.
I remain your Loving Brother
Henry Campbell
(written on the outside)
If Miss Campbell wishes to send anything to Smithfield she can leave it at
the Tremont House in a few days - James Barnett
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 04:47 PM
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