Henry Campbell
(July 20, 1783-September 3, 1869)
Henry Campbell was born June 20, 1783, his father a farmer at Monzievaird,
a small village near Creiff in Perthshire, Scotland.
He came to America in 1839 with his sister Christian and his brother Duncan.
Christian stayed in New York City and died there in 1855. Duncan was a
Presbyterian minister and a doctor. He went to Caledonia in upper New York
state but later returned to Scotland.
Henry came to America at the invitation of his cousin Daniel who was farming
in Peterboro. Henry rented land from Daniel and farmed on his own, raising
sheep and some cattle.
Henry apparently never married and now takes his rest in the Old Peterboro
cemetery. His marker is easily found and - although worn by the weather of
130 years - is in quite good condition.
Henry's letters - January 1842-March 1864
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Note: the above notes are from Stuart Grant who is located in Zurich,
Switzerland. Stuart's wife is a great grandniece of Henry. The collection of
letters they inherited are largely correspondence between various members of
the Campbell family. They are interesting not only because they mention local
families and events but because they provide an insight into Henry himself. The letters span the period from January 10,
1842 to March 4, 1864.
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999
Family Snipets |